Intense Volleyball and USAVolleyball believe in supporting our athletes both physically and emotionally. Bullying seems to be on the rise and is seen not only in schools and online but also on the sports court.
Intense truly cares for our athletes and community. We agree with USA Volleyball and their belief that "The safety of its participants is of paramount importance to USA Volleyball. USA Volleyball has a ZERO TOLERANCE for abuse and misconduct. This includes not only on-court safety, but also off-court safety in any part of USA Volleyball’s programs. USA Volleyball is committed to creating safe and fun environments for youth. This includes, but is not limited to, providing training, educational materials and resources for our regions, clubs, coaches and parents."
“Safety and security don’t just happen; they are the result of collective consensus and public investment.
We owe our children, the most vulnerable citizens in our society, a life free of violence and fear.”
Nelson Mandela
For detailed handbook information click here.
It is the policy of USA Volleyball that there shall be no bullying, threats, or harassment of any participant involved in any of its Member Programs by any employee, volunteer, independent contractor, support staff or other participant.
Bullying is the use of coercion to obtain control over another person or to be habitually cruel to another person.
Bullying involves an intentional, persistent or repeated pattern of committing or willfully tolerating physical and non-physical behaviors that are intended to cause fear, humiliation or physical harm in an attempt to socially exclude, diminish or isolate another person. Bullying can occur through written, verbal or electronically transmitted expression or by means of a physical act or gesture. Bullying behavior is prohibited in any manner in connection with any USA Volleyball sanctioned activity or events.
It is the policy of USA Volleyball that there shall be no emotional misconduct (abuse) of any participant involved in any of its Member Programs by an employee, volunteer, independent contractor or other participant.
Emotional misconduct involves a pattern of deliberate, non-contact behavior that has the potential to cause emotional or psychological harm to a participant. These behaviors may include verbal acts, physical acts or acts that deny attention or support.
Examples of emotional misconduct prohibited by this policy include, but are not limited to: a pattern of verbal behaviors that attack a participant (e.g. calling them worthless, fat, or disgusting); repeatedly and excessively yelling at a participant or participants in a manner that serves no productive motivational purpose; physically aggressive behavior (e.g. throwing sport equipment, water bottles or chairs at participants, punching walls, windows or other objects.)
It is the policy of USA Volleyball that there shall be no hazing of any participant involved in any of its Member Programs by any employee, volunteer, independent contractor, support staff or other participant.
Hazing includes any conduct which is intimidating, humiliating, offensive or physically harmful. The hazing conduct is typically an activity that serves as a condition for joining a group or being socially accepted by a group’s members.
Examples of hazing prohibited by this policy include, but are not limited to: requiring or forcing (including through peer pressure) the consumption of alcohol or illegal drugs; tying, taping or physically restraining a participant; sexual simulations or sexual acts of any nature; sleep deprivation or the withholding of water and/or food; social actions (e.g. grossly inappropriate or provocative clothing) or public displays (e.g. public nudity) that are illegal or means to draw ridicule; beating, paddling or other forms of physical assault.
Activities that fit the definition of hazing are considered to be hazing regardless of a person’s willingness to cooperate or participate.
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